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Homer Zhu Custom Knives Dealer
Homer Zhu is a young and talented custom knife maker that is becoming a rising star very quickly and making a great impression on the knife community. We have been following Homer's exceptional designs and impressive quality for over a year and we're pleased to have finally added his work to our shop.
Homer Zhu is based in Nanjing city, the knifemaking heaven of China -Just like Maniago in Italy or Seki city in Japan. Since 2011 he has been designing knives for several brands. Being a designer, there is no surprise that he has an eye for great design, but he also values function & high performance.
In 2018 Homer Zhu started his own brand and entered the custom knifemaking world with some eye catching models. He knew that the high cost of custom knives is prohibitive for a lot of collectors. So he decided to make custom knives that are not only unique in design, high quality and functional, but also affordable. This was an ambitious plan, but the ambition payed off and he got the attention of the western world of knife collecting.
Homer Zhu makes everything himself, using modern CNC machines and manual tools and does all the fitting and finishes by hand, one knife at a time. His goal isn't to make thousands of knives a year or to become a big brand overnight, he wants to grow slowly and steadily and focus on his knifemaking, designs and customers.
We see new knifemakers coming into the scene on a daily basis, some do great work, some don't. What we haven't seen before is a custom knife, with a fantastic design and great fit & finish being offered at the price of a mid range production knife! But be warned and buy them while you still can because we can almost certainly say that it won't stay that way for much longer. Once Homer Zhu gets busier with more people wanting to get their hands on his knives, books will start to fill rapidly, requests will get backlogged and orders will be pushed back, and you will be forced to pay a handsome premium in the secondary market. Sounds familiar? Sure does. We can name two dozens of once "new makers" that are now unobtainable at reasonable prices.